What is SEO?
SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is the practice of improving your website’s position in search engine results pages. There are a number of ways to assist in boosting your website; with work being done both on and off your web page. This includes all the pages on your site, how content is worded and any links on the site, as well as in other places (such as social media or other relevant sites). All these allow for Google or other search engine providers to see your website as a relevant source; depending on what the user is searching for. Each site will have a set of certain keywords that works well for them and their SEO efforts; as there are so many active sites out there. As well as factoring in your competitors – finding those keywords is vital, and will help with your SEO massively!
Why should I invest in SEO?
As we’ve mentioned, SEO is key in getting the most out of your website. It is what all search engines use to determine whether your website ranks highly or not, it looks at all the information on your site (as well as several other factors) to ensure your website is relevant for each search enquiry. Search Engine Optimisation also allows search results to be fair as it focuses on organic work, not paid; it makes sure that your site appears there for a reason as it is what the user is searching for and is made up of relevant, informative content.
It is important to invest in SEO as it is what will get the right people seeing your site, focusing on the right optimisation and trusting in a professional can work wonders for getting your site to work harder for you. SEO is also a great, cost effective tool in making sure your website doesn’t go to waste, whilst paid advertising is great for reaching a targeted audience, SEO is an organic way of doing the same thing; but on a wider scale. It allows for you to constantly work on your site’s ranking and getting it up to the top to stay!
Remember SEO has to be a constant process, you can’t just do it once and expect it to last as rankings can quickly change. Other businesses are constantly evolving and working on their own sites; it’s key to make sure you do the same and stay on top!
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We offer a unique approach to web design, SEO & Digital Marketing.
Our team are experts in every field of digital marketing so, you can have a stunning, professionally designed website that gets you sales & leads!
If you have any questions, or would like to discuss your project with us, please use the form below and we will get back to you – usually within a couple of a hours.